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CDQ003 陈丹青 北方青年 92x138cm 布面油画 2010


Chen’s stylelies in his stroke. Although he follows the style of his teachers from westerncountries, as a Chinese, he adds calligraphic factors to his stroke to createan effect of traditional calligraphic manner in paintings. He may not harmonizethe Chinese calligraphy with Western paintings on purpose but his goodeducation dictates. Chen’s stroke is natural and elegant. He doesn’t show offhis skills and particularly pays attention to delicate and natural connectionsand transitions,compromising straightforwardness and reticence. He is as wildas Manet without Manetic sharpness. His body painting is influenced byVelázquez in terms of natural transitions, by Caravaggio in terms of sexyqualities, by Corot in terms of his simplicity and by Watteau in terms of hisdainty and dignity. To draw figure sketches, Chen appreciates the elegance ofancient paintings and understands Modernism’s meaning of tension andpower.




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